Yipee...I get to see my favourite Transformer!! Mama knew that there's a Cybertron Convention in RWS and it's the 1st time held in Singapore. Mama quickly purchased the tickets and brought us there...
We all get so excited seeing all the collections of transformer. Mei mei was excited too...she kept saying "TRAN FARMER"....her version of transformer.
They have a huge Optimus Prime and Kreo Transformer toy for us to play. We also went in for the 3D movie of Transformer Prime!
It was a great experience!
We spend almost 2 hours there. After that mama took us to Pahlawan Beach for a walk and we walk on the hanging Bridge! We also had our teabreak there!
Both of us thank mama for bringing us there.
Before I sleep, I shared with mama that actually I wasn't very happy that afternoon. Even though I get to see so many fun things but mama kept scolding me. So somehow spoiled my day, but i told mama I understand that she scolded me because I did quite a few naughty things that make her upset. We make a pact that I will try not to do naughty things that make her angry and she will try not too jump on me too much and scold me!
Looking forward to next interesting out!