
Tuesday, June 30, 2009


To me no longer link weekends as kai kai anymore....due to the increase of H1N1 cases we try to avoid going to shopping centres and crowded places...
So this weekend, mama dig store room to look for things for me to play to occupy my time, if not most of the time my eyes will be glued to a small square box called TV.

Mama found this art and craft things for me to play and also found my long lost bubble machine which se bought for more than 2 yrs...I did the art and craft with mama in the morning then we went out for pizza at our neighbourhood pizza shop. I enjoyed eating pizza but I think mama's pizza taste better than this show. In the afternoon before my naptime I went and play bubbles with my friends. Initially I wanted to play with my "girlfriend" Jia Rae but too bad she is not feeling well, I was so dissapointed that I actually teared...mama then took me to find Zheng Ping, Zheng Kai and An Tong to play with me. Thank God we were there earlier cos there were about to go out. Auntie Sandra was nice enough to let them pay with me for awhile more before going out.

Here are some photos taken over the weekend. P/s: mama forgot to bring camera during my bubble play with my friends but she took some for me on Sunday during my own bubble playtime.