Basketball game again....papa wanted to watch the match between Slingers and KL Dragons on 22nd mama quickly ask me to take a short nap before catching the game at 3.40pm mama has to drag me out of bed to go for the match!
We reached the stadium around 4.05pm...even though the game has started but still a lot of people buying tickets...when we were at the queue someone came and offer us free we are so blessed...we get to watch the match for free!!!
It was a good game, but poor mama can't cheer much...deep down she wants to cheer for KL Dragons but she doesn't want to confused me, cos I was taught to say "Go Go Slingers" and "Defence"...I'm suppose to be Slingers supporter but if mama were to say "Let's Go Dragons" not right liao...haha...I
After the game I learnt name of players like Al Vergara and Hong Wei Jian.
Anyway mama was very happy cos KL Dragons won the game!!!! When we went outside, KL Dragon's supporters had their drummer beating the drums celebrating their victory.
P/s: there's some photos of perfomance by Singapore American School during the half time.