Nowadays my weekend are not as interesting anymore...haha, probably because my mama is getting tired and "lazier". This weekend, we didn't do much. Go for my morning market routine, did some chinese flash cards. Around 10.30am, we went to Giordano warehouse sales and went to Singapore Post Centre for lunch. After that we went home for my afternoon nap.
In the evening, papa told mama that someone broke our car windscreen middle of last night to steal our cash card...aiyoh the scariest thing is that the uncle used his fist to break the glass...that's why on our windscreed there are still bloodstain. So at night, mama and I accompany papa to the Geylang police station to collect the police report.
I kept showing concern by asking..."Oh, mama what happen???" "Oh...Papa, what happen?"...I think I asked more than 10 times till they sick and tired of answering me liao...haha...don't like that leh, I'm just showing my concern only mah...hehe.
see my "CONCERN" face