Yesterday came a special visitor at my block...a monitor lizard. So many kor kor and jie jie went and see...mama also bring me there to see. Everyone was so scared of the monitor lizard.
Some uncle and auntie called Mr. Police to come and catch it. After quite awhile, the police came but I saw them keep making calls and didn't do anything...probably they try to get help from professionals like "Crocodile Hunters". One brave uncle from my block took a clothes hanger stick and catch the monitor lizard...WOW hero leh...Mr. Police just stand one side and see. After uncle catch already, he put the monitor lizard into a cage, tied it and pass to Mr. Police!!! Mama asked me to clap hand cos that uncle so brave and so hero!!!
I went back and told papa about the incident...what did I tell papa???
"Papa, uncle catch monitor lizard...very big. Give lizard to Police. Rong Jun clapped hand!!!"